Where I love to spend most of my time in Los Angeles…

Corral Canyon Hike

Malibu Country Mart

Proper Hotel

Calamigos Guest Ranch

Soho Malibu

Will Rogers Park


Hollywood Bowl

Favorite healthy eats in Los Angeles 🌎 what did I miss?

  • @erewhon because y’all know my love for this place runs deep. It’s changed my life and thought around healthy eating and had something for everyone ⭐️ I love their hot bar + premade salads (macrobiotic one is da best)

  • @thebutchersdaughter on abbot Kinney is amazing for visitors and work lunches. It’s vegetarian, and everything is super flavorful and hearty 🌱 I get the spicy kale Cesar most days

  • @thistleco I get my food delivered most weeks from thistle. They have so much variety and both vegan and non vegan options. I do 6 meals a week so my lunches and dinners are covered when I’m in a pinch 🥑 code: KRISTA308 for 20% off

  • @cafegratitude is a favorite for friend dinners when you want something causal and healthy. It’s vegan, and I get the pure salad with tempeh and the jubilant which is bomb Japanese yams 🍠

  • @bulletproof is my go to for breakfast when I want something filling, low sugar and delicious. I’ll get 3 sides, an avocado, their cauliflower and sweet potato hash 🙏🏻 plus it’s under $10

  • @tocayaorganica for meals with bae - because its casual and he loves the burritos 🌯 I’ll do their sides, or salads which I love

  • @sweetgreen is the go-to salad for most days when I am feeling like I need to nourish myself in a deep way 🥗

  • @pressedjuicery has the celery juices I’ll have most days and the green juices I’ll supplement after lots of travel 👩🏼‍💻 it’s fairly affordable with most juices at $5 👌🏻

My relationship with Los Angeles🌞

We need to tend to our relationships with places just like we do with people. How much time and love are we giving to our space and place? How are we finding the beauty in where we are, rather than always commiserating on the bad? The traffic, weather, government, people…I found myself so caught up in the negative that I was overlooking all the magic around me.

During a convo with my babe @devibrown last week we were talking about Los Angeles and she mentioned that like anything, your experience in a city is like a relationship. It needs to be tended to ❤️.

Where we live is not only important in regard to our development, but also in terms of how we define ourselves. There is a complicated energetic bond that ties us to places 🙏🏻. I feel that with every city I’ve lived in.

Los Angeles hits both my Mercury and Pluto lines - Pluto’s lines have some of the greatest concentration of energy, which has lead me to some pretty big changes and growth. Mercury lines are where thoughts thrive and communication is heightened, which makes a lot of sense for what I do as a pod host/teacher 🪐.

Mostly I just realized when I’m sitting at lunch in Malibu with a friend on a Monday, or at the beach for a baby shower, or hiking a beautiful trail solo, that I’ve cultivated something I’m proud of here. I feel so seen - I can be who I am in this moment and still work toward who I want to be ✨.

For now, my greatest priority behind my Soul’s calling is connection and relationships 🥰. What more is life but moments with people we love? Family, friends or chosen family. Now that I have that a fresh perspective on how I want to approach my city I feel brand new☀️.

Highly recommend doing your astrocartography 🪄 astrocartography is how the placements of the planets affect the energies we feel in certain places we live or visit, depending on when and where we were born 🌟.


What I use each day to support my health ...